Videoreportāža no Vidzemes Jauno ģeogrāfu skolas (VJĢS) "Kultūras un vēstures ģeogrāfijas" kārtas, kas norisinājās 2008.gada 6.aprīlī Madonas Ģimnāzijā. Kā arī ieskats VJĢS tradicionālo brīvdabas pasākumu vēsturē. Starpbrīžos atspoguļoti interesanti ģeogrāfiski fakti par Madonas tuvumā esošo Vidzemes Centrālo augstieni. Vēlies mums pievienoties? Ieskaties:
Video report from Vidzeme's School of Young Geographers' (VSYG) event of "Cultural and historical geography" that took place on April 6, 2008 in Madona High-school. Complemented with the insight in the history of VSYG outdoor hiking events. During intersections interesting geographic facts about the Vidzeme's Central highland are presented. Want to join us? Visit:
Video report from Vidzeme's School of Young Geographers' (VSYG) event of "Cultural and historical geography" that took place on April 6, 2008 in Madona High-school. Complemented with the insight in the history of VSYG outdoor hiking events. During intersections interesting geographic facts about the Vidzeme's Central highland are presented. Want to join us? Visit:
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